Tuesday 11 March 2014

 SGI and What can we Do

Saskatchewan Government Insurance, better known as SGI. Once again SGI is going to raise motorcycle insurance rates in the province of Saskatchewan without even the least bit of gilt of how this is affecting people. Before I go any further I have to say I am very well aware on how the insurance industry works whether it is private insurance or government insurance, whether it is here or in my home province of Manitoba. I also know that trying to get private insurance back in either province just won’t happen and for good reason, and although it doesn’t look like government insurance working for us and that private insurance is working all over the place because you have a choice is simply not true.
Also motorcycle insurance has very little to do with the cost of the motorcycle but more with the amount of injury that happens when a motorcyclist is in a serious accident, more money is paid out, more benefits are paid, therefore more money needs to be collected, so just because your ride a $500 motorcycle doesn’t mean you can’t collect just as much or as many benefits as the person with the larger motorcycle….you get hit by a car you get hurt, severely no matter what you ride, just common sense, think about it.
Some people say, “Well my driving record speaks to that”, well not really, your driving record simply means you haven’t been caught or you haven’t reported an at fault accident. I know dozens of people who have not reported at fault accidents because they don’t want to pay the extra on their insurance and their lic, so just having a good driving record really doesn’t mean a hell of a lot. I also know a lot of people that speed all the time and how many of us watch as numerous people go thru red lights and stop signs when making right hand turns and never get caught. There has to be a better way, a really better way.
Let’s do a little eye opening on both sides of the coin.
Private insurance
This is À la carte which simply means you get a very basic package so that you can plate your motorcycle and ride on the road and add any extras as you see fit. Of course you pay for everything you add, extra liability, lower deductible, and more coverage for your bike, income recovery coverage, AD&D benefits, etc.
So with this in mind you cannot compare private insurance to most government insurance because most government insurance gives everything in the one package, it is like comparing apples and oranges.
Also most private insurance companies cover everything from homes, life, boat, car, motorcycle and do this with one policy and do this across the country.
Government Insurance
Most are the Cadillac of insurances, most cover everything in one. Most only cover vehicle per package, all others are separate. Also for the most part the Government insurance is in your home province only so they are limited to the amount of people they can cover.
I have seen people try and compare SGI to American insurance which is simply unfair. Most American insurance can cover all of the America’s which is about 350 million people, where SGI can cover maybe 1 million people, big difference which shows up in the price.
This may look like I am defending SGI when I am not but just trying to get people to understand how things run, as well another reason you will not see private insurance enter is because of the huge infrastructure that is in place, you cannot simply dismantle something like that, it just won’t happen.
Now with all that being said what can be done to stop their attitude of let’s just throw more money at this problem and where do they get more money, the buyer of their insurance.
Ok, here in my opinion is what people should be doing, in full force; you need to get SGI’s attention:
1.       Send emails, written letters, phone calls, etc to all the MLA’s, SGI executive and Brad Wall himself telling them you are simply fed up with this attitude of throwing more money at a situation rather than fixing the problem
2.       Higher insurance rates are not the answer, stopping the accidents, education people, increasing fines etc is the answer.
3.       Quit blaming one sector of the driving public, namely motorcycles for the money loss at SGI.
4.       Go to all the Rate Review Hearings/meetings you can go to, clog their internet, their snail mail, the halls where the meetings are held, etc.
5.       Do this as a consolidated group, not a few people who say they are the head of a group but do it for themselves, the notoriety, no do it for all motorcyclists.
6.       Do not wait back and let someone else do it, it won’t get done, do it now.
Ok those are some of my thoughts, here is something else I have been thinking about, getting a National organization going; that may seem like a tall order but it has been done before and can be done again. I mean the NRA down in the states started with just a few people and now the federal government is in fear of losing their jobs if they don’t listen to it. Unifor one of the strongest unions in Canada started many years ago as several small unions now they are over 300,000 strong. So people need to get together and think of what they might be able to do as a huge group, this is happening across Canada, higher insurance rates, noise bylaws, banning motorcycles from parking lots, banning motorcycles from riding in too large a group, and on and on and on.
We need to get a national organization something like CNMA (Canadian National Motorcycle Organization). We as motorcyclists need to find people that are willing to step up to the plate, not those that are trying to make a name for them or have no respect for opinions, suggestions, questions. NO MORE wannabe’s, no more people crying about the time they have to put in, no more conflict of interest people, we need true blue motorcyclists, people who really want to change, change for the good, for the betterment of the sport, the riding, the living, don’t let the government tie you down, remember the government works for you, they are your employees, make them listen NOW.
Questions, Comments, Suggestions, and Opinions, all are welcome, but remember there are those that will disagree, and start something new, listen, read, learn. I will not delete, remove or ban anyone from posting honest sincere ideas, opinions, questions, etc. If I do not know the answer I will find the answer. Let’s start the ball rolling here and NOW.